Ecco il video della nuova canzone di Lana Del Rey, “White Mustang ”!

| 15 Settembre 2017

Si intitola White Mustang la nuova canzone di Lana Del Rey, terzo singolo estratto dall’ultimo album “Lust for life”.

Il brano è accompagnato dal video ufficiale uscito lo scorso mercoledì, accolto con grande entusiasmo dai fan della cantante. Nel video, che potete vedere qui sotto, Lana Del Rey è accompagnata dall’attore Eðvarð Egilsson, scovato per l’occasione sui social.

Di una forte intensità emotiva, la nuova canzone di Lana Del Rey esprime le forti sensazioni e tutta la nostalgia che rievocano vecchi ricordi, nascosti nel passato di ognuno di noi.


White Mustang: il testo della nuova canzone di lana Del Rey

Packing all my things for the summer
Lying on my bed it’s a bummer
‘Cause I didn’t call when I got your number
But I liked you a lot
Slippin’ on my dress in soft filters
Everybody said you’re a killer, but I
Couldn’t stop the way I was feeling the day
Your record dropped
The day I saw your white Mustang
Your white mustang
The day I saw your white Mustang
Your white mustang
Caught up in my dreams and forgetting
I’ve been acting like armageddon ‘cause you
Held me in your arms just a little too tight
That’s what I thought
Summer’s meant for loving and leaving
I was such a fool for believing that you
Could change all the ways you’ve been living
But you just couldn’t stop
The day I saw your white Mustang
Your white mustang
The day I saw your white Mustang
Your white mustang
You’re revving and revving and revving it up
And the sound, it was frightening
And you were getting a part of that
You’re gonna hit me like lightening
White mustang
Your white mustang
The day I saw your white Mustang
Said you’re a wild Mustang
You’re gonna hit me like lightening
You’re gonna hit me like lightening


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